Carbon Sequestration

The Carbon Sequestration strategy in the City’s CAP aims to facilitate the process of removing carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere through natural, such as tree planting. This is referred to as carbon sequestration. Trees, algae, and other vegetation are “carbon sinks” because they naturally take in atmospheric CO2 through their respiration process. An important way our community can improve its carbon sequestration potential is by increasing the number of trees planted, and by maintaining a healthy urban tree canopy. 

Implementation of the Carbon Sequestration strategy is estimated to reduce the City’s GHG emissions by 5 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e) by 2020 and 66 MTCO2e by 2030.

Explore the sections below to learn about the City’s planned and ongoing actions to achieve these GHG emissions reductions. 

Managing Trees & the Urban Forest

Urban Forest Management Program

The City’s dedicated urban forestry efforts have resulted in Encinitas being recognized as a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation for more than 12 years. To obtain this designation, municipalities must spend at least $2 per capita on community forestry, establish a tree care ordinance, and observe Arbor Day. 

We recognize the City’s urban forest as one of our greatest natural resources. City leaders and staff have made our trees a priority and they are dedicated to the continued planting, protection, and maintenance of Encinitas’ urban forest. In alignment with CAP Measure CS-1, the departments of Public Works and Parks and Recreation have an established Urban Forest Management Program (UFMP) which closely follows the City’s UFMP Administrative Manual and incorporates the City’s Urban Tree Planting Program. In 2018, the City hired a City Arborist to support the implementation of the UFMP and oversee the care of the City’s trees.

The City tracks the number of net new City trees added to the City's tree inventory each year. The total number of net new trees is equal to the number of new trees planted minus the number of trees lost annually. Tree removal is avoided whenever possible; however, tree removal may be necessary when a tree cannot recover from disease or poses a risk to public safety.
Net Trees Net Number of Trees
The City tracks the number of net new City trees added to the City's tree inventory each year. The total number of net new trees is equal to the number of new trees planted minus the number of trees lost annually. Tree removal is avoided whenever possible; however, tree removal may be necessary when a tree cannot recover from disease or poses a risk to public safety.
Net Trees Net Number of Trees

Last updated July 10, 2024

Urban Forestry

How You Can Help

Plant the Perfect Tree on Your Property Using the City’s Tree Selection and Planting Guide
Learn About the Trees Planted on Your Street
Learn More About the City’s Urban Forest Management Program

Last updated September 29, 2022

Status of CAP Implementation